Privateer’s Hold Combat Demo

Below is a new standalone web build showing off many of the new features soon to be available in Daggerfall Tools for Unity 1.0.

Click the link below to explore Privateer’s Hold and vanquish foes with your trusty Ebony Dagger.

  • W, S, A, D to move.
  • Mouse move to look.
  • SHIFT to toggle run mode.
  • SPACE to jump.
  • LEFT-CLICK mouse to open doors, operate switches, etc.
  • RIGHT-CLICK and HOLD while moving mouse in different directions to attack enemies.
  • ESC to uncapture mouse.
Posted in Daggerfall Tools, Daggerfall Tools for Unity, Demo.


  1. Wow! This is Awesome!
    The need to point the crosshairs exactly at the target is kinda irritating though. How come the sprites are so much more inexact than the environment?

  2. Thank you Johan. I know what you mean… Will fix aiming before 1.0 is done.

    Edit: I’ve made targeting a bit more forgiving and updated demo. If you can click here then “delete all” your webplayer cache, you should be able to load the new version. Let me know if this feels better, or if you think more tolerance is required.

  3. This feel G-R-E-A-T ! I have no word!
    I’m eagerly waiting for the 1.0 release now more than ever.

    Cross-hair feel fine to me.

    Hope to see your tutorial soon, specially about your infinite level matter ^^ !

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