The 0.3 release should be wrapped up in the next week or so, provided nothing comes up in testing to cause delays. Along with 0.3 there will be more options for downloading builds to better cater to various groups in the community. Read on to see what’s coming up.
If you just want to take a quick look at Daggerfall Unity, and avoid the hassles of a test setup, then 0.3 might encourage you to try it out.
- New standalone builds will be made available for each platform (Windows/Mac/Linux).
- Standalone builds are self contained and do not require you to provide Daggerfall game files.
- Standalone builds will be updated less frequently but will generally be more stable.
If you’re an existing tester, or would like to help catch bugs, then I have some good news.
- Test builds are now automated using Unity Cloud build and will be updated approximately weekly, or daily during heavy development.
- However, test builds are based on live code and will not be as stable as standalone builds.
- Test builds are cut-down for smallest download and will require you to provide your own Daggerfall game files (just like previous test builds).
The biggest feature in 0.3 is Lypyl’s mod system, which he introduced a few posts back. The mod system allows you create asset bundles containing code, textures, sound, etc. that can change how Daggerfall Unity works.
- Modders will need a copy of Unity3D 5.3 Personal/Plus/Pro and a copy of game files.
- Modders are encouraged to clone from git (tutorial coming soon), but just downloading a zip of current project should be adequate.
- New forum areas will be opened to help modders find each other and collaborate on projects.
If you would like to contribute to Daggerfall Unity, and have a good understanding of both Daggerfall’s inner workings and Unity3D, it will become easier to contribute from 0.3.
- Full Daggerfall Unity project is now on git. Contributors should create their own fork of project.
- Contributors will need a copy of Unity3D 5.3 Personal/Plus/Pro and a copy of game files.
- Contributors will also get new forum areas for discussion.
- A Trello page is in the works to help contributors find tasks they may be able to help with.
That all for now. Hopefully 0.3 will represent a new stage in the development of Daggerfall Unity, with even more options for gamers, testers, modders, and contributors.
For more frequent updates on Daggerfall Unity, follow me on Twitter @gav_clayton.